Carl Macdonald (18593km):
5791 days ago After work session with Sam. Arrived to see Sam flying on Fanatic 91 and Loft blade 6.2. Rigged the 5.8m koncept and decided to ride the fanatic falcon 89. The wind was south east and was 18 - 23 knots - the perfect direction at Milang. Had a couple of bear aways at the start was doing low to mid 34's. I decided to get a quick hour in and then do some speed runs. Finished the hour and bang crashed into something again. Damaged the sl7 31cm that Sam fixed a couple of weeks ago for me. The wind then picked up to 20 - 25 knots and i had 1 run with damaged fin and couldn't ride with it. Went in a changed to the drake 28cm slalom fin for the isonic 50 and tried that. Bad move did a 34 knot peak but would let go at speed and couldn't ride upwind - it was scary. Decided to call it a day and had a beer with Sam to drown my sorrows. Should have rode the isonic 50 when it picked up but over it and trying to work out where we should sail that we are not all going to kill ourselves. Managed a pb alpha 500 - something was good for the session. Amazing how such a good start to the day can turn to crap very quickly.