Macka Packa (8161km):
5631 days ago Patchy session at Peli Point, lots of holes, wind strength and direction changing regularly. Still managed to have a great time, first long session for the season. Best times on the bigger kit, best fun on the smaller kit James D looked like he was putting in a big sesh and Jake was ready to give the new sail a work out.
Futura 122,93, OD 7.5, 6.5, MFC40,36
Snake (13281km):
5630 days ago Nice arvo down at peli pt in the light stuff. Still working out the limits of the Ram, so took it out for a blast even though I should have rigged the 6.7. Great to meet Chris A down there there and have some nice drags with him and James D. more wind would be nice please 
Sonic 85, Ram 6.3, Goldwind 30
lao shi (27489km):
5624 days ago Another great day at Exmouth. Great jumping and really starting to get the wave rides. Might have even got a little aerial as I felt the board go completely light off the top of the wave?!
One not so big jump over the white water on the way out (hooked in) resulted in one of those yes I can hold it, no I can't catapults and a resounding crack resulting in the nose of the FSW almost coming off. End of a great days sailing. Managed to get some pics of Nebbs.
combat 5.8, JPFSW91, torquay wave blade 27cm.
Highlight of the day was gybing onto the wave on the outside to see a whale breaching out the back. Much whooping and hollering was heard.

Nebbs in action!
