lao shi (27489km):
5588 days ago Arrived at Thirsty point at 11 to find it already windy!
Caught up with a bunch of the crew and by the time I got my arse in gear the wind had dropped.
Luckily it came back and a great time was had buzzing the speed gun. Hardest part was timing the run to avoid bearing down on others sailing square. Here is the best run.

Red cross is peak speed a 60 km/h on the speed gun. Got fairly close to the beach on a few runs but got away with it.
James took over as DTSP as he asked me at the beginning of the day what categories to go for and I couldn't be bothered to decide (still smarting from my recent damage to nose). Anyway he suggested a mile run and we went to the top of the bay.

This is the best of two runs (red crosses mark the mile). James left me for dead at the start with a 34 knot peak and then complained that he had weed on his fin so we should go back and do it again. I wasn't any faster on the second one although it felt better. My first mile was ugly through the rolling chop in the middle (see the graph) and spun out (luckily just after the end). Still pleased to be only a knot off PB in less than ideal conditions! Well done to James on his PB. Boy is he quick.

As you can see I had quite a few goes at the gun. After it packed up went back out to clock up a bit of distance and have a go at some alphas.

James was consistently 2 knots faster throughout the day with a 62 km/h on the gun.
At the prizegiving a speed of 60 was announced for " someone who has Pinnas (pronounced peeeniis) on his sail. So we are henceforth known as Team PENIS in WSP circles! Awaiting Gadgets photo and video!
Thanks to Reg, Anne-Marie and the speed recorders ( a huge effort to try and make sense of the chaos and much appreciated) and all those who made the effort to make it a great weekend.