Hardpole (5685km):
5581 days ago Hardies, a fun day but just couldnt seem to get it feeling right. When I derigged I realised that the boom was set differently on each side ! Cant have been helping. Fiddled with front footstrap settings trying to get it comfortable, finally though I had it right and the back footstrap bolt snapped of. Figured that was a sign I should pack up.
Sonic, 5.8 Koncept and new (2nd hand - Choko weedy) - a lovely fin it just hung in there the whole time. I wouldnt have know I had a weedy on except that it only jammed up with gunk a couple of times.

Pointman (8480km):
5581 days ago Fun day out at Hardies.
Futura 111 + Koncept 7.5 + FO Weedster 34.
Hit the water around 1.45 and launched into an hour. Under-finned and I was losing ground downwind the whole way. Pleased to PB, but disappointed it wasn't quicker, thought it was at least a 23. In hindsight I had a few slow gybes that I didn't plane away from and a couple of patches where the breeze backed off.
Tacked back upwind in time for the start of the second race. Racing was OK. Breeze was a bit patchy and I grovelled back from the race out to the platform. By that stage I had been on the water 2.5 hours and was gagging for a drink (gotta get me a Camelbak!).
Came ashore to rehydrate. Thought about going back out to chalk up some more kays and crack the ton, but my hands were stuffed so I flagged it.
Thanks to Hardie and Nebs for organising a great day, good to see so many punters out and about. 

Ruler is 7.7 kays long! Used all of the estuary today.
Macka Packa (8161km):
5581 days ago Adventures in crabland with Pointman, Nebbian, Lao shi (and Mrs Lao shi snr) and Hardpole as well as a huge cast of others. Great day, big thanks to Hardie and Nebs!
I went for distance and hour. Stuffed the hour attempt by going way too deep on second leg so spent the next half hour going upwind. The lack of weed fins made the day a little tougher than expected but great to get some decent time on water.
Some awesome conditions on the east side, will have to get a possy together and spend a few hours there.
Thanks Bender for the loan of the fin.
Futura 122/93, OD 7.5,6.5,5.5

nebbian (8209km):
5581 days ago Great day down at Mandurah. Fantastic to see such a big turnout, loads of sails on the water, lots of sailors shooting the breeze. Many thanks to those people who bought stickers, it really helps us to keep this site going (and send out all the prizes).
Racing was fun, I was off the pace because my slalom board is in for repair, but still wasn't too bad... at one gybe mark I passed half the field as they were all madly pumping, I lucked into a gust on the gybe so just pitter pattered right past them... one guy yelled out "Skinny B*stard" at me, never had that one before The look on Bender's face as I planed past him, priceless 
Well done team Pinnas on your hour, and congrats Pointman on 2 PB's!
Lemony Snickets, 7.0 Ezzy Infinity, JP 31 weedy. Man this combo flies upwind!

lao shi (27489km):
5580 days ago Rather embarassed to post such numbers
Rigged for the building wind and really struggled. Had to go way down wind to stay planing and as a result could not make the mark.
Still had fun. Great to catch up with so many crew.
Thanks to Hardie and Nebbs on another great day.
Well done Pointman, what a month from you and top back up with a great hour PB James.
Puts you one point behind for 2nd place in the team rankings.