JP/NP Mob Netherlands (S, Netherlands) - 2010-02-28
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Hans Kreisel
Jacques van der Hout
Martin van Meurs
Hans Kreisel (14937km):
5305 days ago
4 categories

Insane!!!!! My respect goes out to Martin and Jacq i have to say i was a pussy today shouldn't have party yesterday. First went out with a 6,2 (bad move) couldn't close it. I decided to go back and wait for the wind to drop a bit to go back on with 5,5 but couldn't make up for the lost time . Happy we won the februari ranking in the teamchallenge and learned a lot today stoked!!!!

Jacques van der Hout (14471km):
5305 days ago
6 categories

We arrived at Herkingen around 14 hours, wind SE 5 knots.
The forecast was WNW 7 for sw netherlands so when the wind turned and starts to increase i rigged my 6,2. Martin wants to take 5,1 and Hans 5,5 but its my mistake to tell them to take bigger, sorry! Course was really broad and offshore so first run we didn't know what to expect. I was the first to hit the course with my 6,2 and i ended the run with a crash, topspeed 84, run 79,45. This was looking promising, but scary. And the first run we didn't know this upfront. But i hardly managed to get back upwind with my 6,2 anymore. Martin was on a RS Slalom MKIII 5,5 and he clocked a run of 79,7. He made the right choice by rigging the 5,5 but a 5,1 or 4,7 was even possible in these gusts. The wind pushed the waves over the blocks so the course was not flat a all in the beginning.
Hans and i went to the beach again to rig smaller sails. When we came back the course was flat, the wind a little bit less but still ok to do 40+ knots runs. I hope this will be the last cold day this winter.
Martin big congratulations with the spot record of Herkingen.
We needed you today to get one more point on 2sec average at GPS team challege.

Martin van Meurs (1816km):
5305 days ago
2 categories

Great Herkingen session. My first one of the year and a bloody cold one as well haha. My hands felt numb at the end as I forgot to take my gloves with me. Heck I even forgot my gear when I left for Annemaries place. Had to drive back last night to collet the gear and it was worth it.

I used a  C3 proto I developed together with Boogie and it rocked. Conditions were the toughest I ever experienced at Herkingen but the board felt superbly at ease. I asked for a fin with even higher control than the Venom and I think we're on the right track to create even better small and fast fins. The idea behind the fin is to create a fin which is related to board size and it should function completely independent from sailsize.

I was a littlebit unlucky as I hurt my foot real bad.  I've got a deep cut. My harnessline broke and my hands felt numb at the end, otherwise I'm sure I would have gone substantially faster overall. The course got flatter at the end of the day but I had to quit. Still I'm stoked with the this years'first result and super happy to be able to post my first GPSTC session


Sth Is
New Zealand
5305 days ago

It just gets better! Smile and sounds like some faster posts to come. Awesome guys, world class


5305 days ago

WElcome Martin Awesome numbers!!!!!!


5305 days ago

Congrats guys, looks like you've beaten the SRM by 1 point. It's still too early to call, posts can be up to a week late, and there's always the butterfly effect.

Jacques van der Hout

5304 days ago

Thanks decrepit. Offcourse it will be fantastic to win this challenge in the first month we compete, but we saw that all other teams can have an influence of the end results of the top 3 teams aswell by posting distance results for example in between the results of two battling teams. Distance you can even sail with 10 knots and formula gear. So we know what to do;-). We have to think and sail completely different compared to GPSSS postings were its is all about 5x 10 sec average. On this challenge we have to sail distance, NM, 1 hours, alpha's etc and with 2 or more people at the same day. I made for example some good alpha's but these doesn't count as my team mate didn't pay attention to this on the same day. So if we will not win february, we learned a lot this month from our postings on this website and we will come back even stronger. Last year i did only one hour attempt in summer just for fun, this year we have to do it every month, also we have to sail sometimes a little bit longer to get some more distance. At the end this is great because i hate the gym and this is a fantastic way to work on my overall condition and to get the discipline to do it.



5304 days ago

Sounds Like you've worked it out Jacques, brilliant effort on your first month!!!!!!!!

Richard Steller

5304 days ago

these numbers are absolutely unreal! well done, What boards are you guys using? 

some time you get around to it, i would love to see some pictures of your speed sailing spots in the netherlands. Tongue out

Jacques van der Hout

5304 days ago

Thanks Hardie. Offcourse we had to work this out, that's why it took so long to enter this website with the dutch teams. It is sad that we missed out januari, but with 4 discards we can afford it i guess. Hopefully we keep on motivated every month again. Behind the scene we are looking for some more strong riders to join our team. Are transfers allowed?;-)

We were all on the smallest JP Speedboard, the 45, we use this board all the time when we are powered up with 6,2 and smaller sails in flatwater speed conditions. The 54 speed is a low wind speedboard for the 7,0 and the 49 we only use in extreme or choppy conditions.

Here the link to gpsss for more info

I bought a Gopro HD helmet cam and i test it already in France last week. It was cloudy so the quality of the movie was not good, but i have already a nice video of riding waves down the course with 35+ knots. I have to figure out how to post it on youtube. Look forward to use this cam more often in the next weeks to get a real picture of how a 43 knot run and/or a 29 knot alpha looks like from a riders point of view.

Mark Van Osch

5304 days ago

Congratz guys!

Maybe we should introduce a new category "from another planet". Laughing


Nice teamwork,



5304 days ago

Bloody fast Tongue out.. great team effort, congrats!!


5304 days ago


what team scores...........


5304 days ago



Yes team transfers are allowed however please take this into consideration.


What makes it really fun is having inter-team rivalry within your own country, if you have all the best riders from 1 country in one team, you will definitely be competitive in the International Cup and probably win it, but it might be more fun having 2 or 3 Dutch Teams that are highly competitive with each other!!!




5304 days ago

Must be a bit boring to have no other national teams to compete against. Wink


5304 days ago

Awesome speeds guys well doneCool

Chris Adamson

5304 days ago

...seriously, who invited these guys? Wink


5304 days ago

I'm starting to wonder about that myself, slowie!  Smile


5304 days ago

I want to start a Bombora /any sail pre 1995 +26knots Club.  Anyone out there interested? Wink

Seriously to take out the month on their first posting is very impressive.  Looking forward to Jaques' 29knot Alpha footage too.Surprised


5304 days ago

Yep, we are small country with many teams, including neighbouring Slovenia and we try to make teams even to have more fun Cool.


Sth Is
New Zealand
5304 days ago

Hey Jacques, look forward to seeing the Gopro HD footage.

A simple way to edit the mp4 files from the Gopro is to use Quicktime Pro to cut out the bits you don't need and reduce to a more manageable file size. Set yourself up an account on Youtube, find the upload button and leave it over night.

Click on the icon that looks like a film strip where you write up your posts and copy the url of your youtube clip in. Should be in business..



Jacques van der Hout

5303 days ago

Don't worry.

Just some names from competitive riders from the other dutch teams where we have to compete against;

Wad1team; Peter de Wit (dutch speed champion) and Peter Volwater (don't know this guy;-))

Dutch Fun Speeders; Dirk Doppenberg (record holder 500 meter netherlands) and Dennis Littel (dutch champion Formula and Slalom)


I'm sure these teams will give all the other teams some serious competition! We were just lucky with the conditions in februari but the rest of the year this will be a tight battle.

James Brient

5303 days ago

Some big numbers and some big names im reading. Nice work fellas