Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Swagger | | | | | | |
The Matrix | | | | | | |
Swagger | | | | | | |
El Reg | | | | | | |
Normski | | | | | | |
Ian Richards | | | | | | |
Jim Crossley |
Camel |
Jesus |
Duncan |
Chandler |
Woody |
RedSurfBus |
Griff |
Woodbutcher |
Goostaff |
Tris |
Jim |
The Kid |
Scotty Stallman |
Cheese |
Average | 36.50 | 34.53 | 15.74 | 22.10 | 28.11 | 79.76 |
Swagger (4565km):
5335 days ago Nice to get out on the 80 but had a serious hangover and my bloody left elbow has given up so lots of hard work and pain!!! I suppose thats it for another 6 months....
Falcon 80, 6.3 North Ram.
The Matrix (10979km):
5335 days ago Morning session and nice to get out. Was also great to witness the swaggers windsurf and acrobatics combined session.
Swagger (4565km):
5334 days ago
El Reg (1470km):
5334 days ago Uploaded by swagger good going mate.
Normski (5158km):
5334 days ago Waited for the rain to stop and the wind to swing a bit more westerly..and as a result had a very pleasant afternoon at the Salty Lake. First real outing on the 2009 Isonic 86...and very pleased with its performance. I think if the wind had had more constant umph rather than big holes the 30knt average would have been in bag for 2010! Great to see other PPs out...shame I missed the Captain exploding in the middle of the harbour!
Added: Isonic 86. Vapor 6.5m. 32cm tectonic falcon
Ian Richards (11408km):
5332 days ago What little wind we've had in the UK has at least been at the weekends, arrived 7.30 am to light SSE winds, went out on 6.7evo1 and FF124 waiting for wind to swing round and increase. By 11am wind was SSW 20 gusting 25 Knots, changed to FF89 & had some reasonable runs but never really powered up. Ended up trying a distance session but got bored! Nice to have that knackered feeling again. Well done Pirates we're getting there slowly.