Stephen Squirrell (6594km):
5219 days ago 2 categories ![](/img/icons/5x.gif) ![](/img/icons/nm.gif) Another top night in camper and woke to light winds which meant a relaxing breakfast and a nice walk along the Etang as the wind increased and all the pond sailors started to rig !!!
We met up with Pete and Gill and actually park on the right beach for the first time after squeezing through concrete blocks along a bumpy track and onto the beach trying to avoid the soft spots !!!
Then the day fell apart Pete had already rigged his 6 simmer with his manta 49 and I went for my old x 15 6.4 on my expensive 430 tushingham mast.Then the short walk to the sea beat up to the peir then on reaching the flat water in front of the vans turn broad and my mast snaps just above the boom L it could have been worse – I could have been a mile down the beach !!! So back to the van and swop masts for the 460 after a few swear words and launching my broken mast into the sea !!!!
Out again and I am sailing like a prat !!! while Pete is flying J the sail just did,nt feel right ???? back handed ,could’nt get upwind then I realised my Chinook carbon boom keep coming undone and in my haste to get on the water I had not tensioned the batterns !!! What a blonker L Another trip to the van to swop booms and short the sail out and things improved a little making a 34 kt run but the wind was up and down again and sailing the speed board was hard work !!!
So in for lunch and swop the Falcon speed for the Falcon 90 and had an enjoyable afternoon on the easier to sail big board – I tried for a mile time and some alphas but was under powered alot on the time and should have rigged the 7m !!! but Pete stuck with the speed kit and found some good gusts making nearly 37.50 in the afternoon so loosing my fastest local sailor tag L he also recorded a 33 kt m/n and got a 35 average so well done on a top day !!!!!!!!
Again it was great to be out with seriously fast sailor including Hans and Ben again off the pace but we are picking up loads of tips and can’t wait to get it right one day !!!! Perhaps Monday when the wind is coming back J
The wind is supposed to go light for a couple of days – thank goodness ,a chance to rest up and I am sore from my harness rubbing the backs of my legs - all that walking upwind !!! and I think Mag and Jill have had enough of sitting on a windy isolated beach !!! So Pete and Jill are looking for castles while we took a trip into the Pyrenees and are now parked up on a mountain road in the middle of nowhere near Ille sur tet !!!!
Fanatic Falcon Speed 25 f1 fin Tushingham (2005) 6.4 x 15
Fanatic Falcon 90 30 fin + 6.4