Team East (Engl-E, Great Britain) - 2010-09-12
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Ben Tilston
Peter Cutts
Stephen Squirrell
Mike G
Lance Newbery
Jamie Bore
Tris Haskins
Rik Jones
Will Trossell
Steve Carter
Ben Tilston (3051km):
5118 days ago
3 categories

Quick sail for an hour from 6pm trying out new board.
Nothing spectacular speed wise but felt good!

Rutland / W 12-15kts / Slalom V 76 / NP RSSII 9.2 / Select Elite S10 47

Peter Cutts (4260km):
5116 days ago
3 categories

Best day so far at La Franqui -- got loads of help from Ben an Hans ( dutch team)  both lent me fins an ben tuned my sail . I think i made a mistake today as i tried my old Axis  ( got 35 knots out of it ) but it was maybe the best conditions of the trip an i should have been on my Manta - ( Steve Squirell got a 40 Max !! )

Stephen Squirrell (6594km):
5113 days ago
2 categories

This is the best day of my life !!!! so far J

Another good night in free windsurfing camper heaven on the Etang near Leucate.Woke to a light breeze so lay in and read and breakfast out in the sun,then with the wind filling in we head to La Fraqui town for bread and to fill our water bottles at the smelly beach toilet and then onto the speed spot and Ben and Hans are already out !!!

I am abit short of rigging options with my only 4.30 mast broken and my 5.8 with a damaged top battern sleeve L  So it’s a choice between the 5.2 and 6.4 and it did,nt seem windy enough for the small sail so went big !!! Pete arrived and set about rigging his 5.7 with some help from Hans  and he then had the check to borrow a C 3 venom fin !!!! With the wind strong I walked the peir to start my first run and was abit nervous thinking I had too big a sail and wishing I could have rigged the 5.8 L I flew down the very bumpy course abit out of control as there was a rolling swell running down the course but recorded 37.24 and was quite pleased !!! Not wanting to risk the upwind sail I walked back to the van to change to the 5.2 but as usually the wind drops and struggle to get going and only make 32 kts L

So back to the van for Energy drink and to re-rig the 6.4 but at least I could have two rigs ready !!! I had a couple of 35 kt runs but was now having trouble sheeting in an Hans was out with 5.5 !!!  So with my 6.4 with a small hole in the top panel (duck tape is a wonderful thing) and needing more downhill which I was scared to do as my mast and rope were on the limit !!! I switched back to the 5.2.Again a walk up to the peir – I must improve my upwind sailing but abit nervous of going too far out to sea with small kit.Then with a good gust I was up and running down past the freeriders (it was Sunday and several local sailors and a kiter were there) past Mag videoing J and ended one of the easiest runs I have made and the gps read 40.?? And I just could,nt believe it J J J it’s taken a while but I have got there in the end – next step a 40 kt ave and a good n/m and it’s looking good for tomorrow which is looking like the last day of wind !!!

Pete also had a good day with 37 + and looking like a good ave. And n/m !!!! We are not in the same league as the Flying Dutch Duo but not bad for a couple of old timers !!!!

Even getting the van stuck in the sand ( luckily Pete and the girls pushed us out ) could’nt spoil the day as we head back to the Etang for dinner as the sun sets J


Fanatic Falcon Speed  F1 25cm Tushingham x 15 5.2 and 6.4


Great Britain
5111 days ago

cracking pb stephen well done!


Sth Is
New Zealand
5111 days ago

congrats on the 40+ Stephen, superb. Nice alpha and mile Peter


5110 days ago

Another to the 40 club.Nice one

Stephen Squirrell

Great Britain
5109 days ago

Cheers Kato :) got there in the end !!! next step a 40 kt ave to go with my 35 n/m !!!