Team East (Engl-E, Great Britain) - 2010-09-25
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Peter Cutts
Ben Tilston
Steve Carter
Stephen Squirrell
Mike G
Lance Newbery
Jamie Bore
Tris Haskins
Rik Jones
Will Trossell
Peter Cutts (4260km):
5107 days ago
3 categories

Had to work most of the day . got a late sail but no water no mates an crap gusty n/w wind dropping.   better than nothing (just)

Ben Tilston (3051km):
5107 days ago
3 categories

Had Bronchitis last few days so been off games recently however antibiotics seemed to have kicked in this morning so went out for an afternoon sail in the sun (and winter wetsuit!!!).

Looked good for having a crack at my hour PB so that was my session aim.  Wind was a bit up and down tho so wasn't to be but pleased with my effort considering the time off the plane.  Managed best distance this year in the process tho so not a wasted effort.

Sailed in the area between the Trout Farm, Dam and Church avoiding the fisherman who don't seem to be watching were they are going when under power at the moment.

Rutland / NNW 15-20kts / Slalom V 76 / NP RSSII 9.2 / Select Elite S10 47



Steve Carter (3639km):
5107 days ago
2 categories

No one else going to Waxham so went to Levington. Rog and Paul out stop and start. launched by turning right instead of left at entrance - more wind but watch out for barrier of submerged posts. Rigged 7.3 on 105l but big holes so on 135l. Very up and down and swinging around. Sailed for about an hour. When tide turned sailing into chop so packed up.

Stephen Squirrell (6594km):
5106 days ago
2 categories

Made the decision to go to Norfolk Friday morning to see if we could find a speed course at Wells.Friday okay,Mag swims,charity coffee morning in Felixstowe – yum J visit Mags dad in home in Bury L,looks at Wells no water,book in campsite - £12 per night for no facilities !!!!!! L tea and cake at Blakney J a quick walk but way too cold !!!!  L Then the best fish and chips in Norfolk at a pub in Morston J Then a good nights sleep in our expensive campsite despite the wind and rain !!!!

Get up abit late and arrive at Wells Saturday morning at 10 just as most of the locals were packing up from a good bump and jump session J Met up with Alex  - who had been researching Wells as a speed venue !!!!  Had a great chat with the coastwatch people who were very helpful and decided to try and get out at midday.Sail choice is abit of a nightmare as the course is along way from the carpark and with wind of 25 kts went for the 6.4 a big big mistake L Alex had made a trailer for his gear and kindly put mine on as well and it did,nt make it out of the carpark !!!! so we then had to rig our sails and carry them the mile in a howling gale with sand being blown in our faces knowing I had made a error with sail size !!!!

We made it to the course and sailed to the start but by this time I think the river had dropped too much making it very shallow in places L The water looked fairly flat but once sailing it was very bumpy especially being so,ooooooooooo overpowered and abit short for my liking L I did a 30 kt run first time and just got slower never feeling right on the water !!! Then on the third run I went off the front and came up with a two section of my carbon boom on my hands !!!!! I was quite relieved in away as I could go back to the van as the wind was now 35 kts !!!! Alex faired no better ,he went over the front early breaking a harness less and then discovered he had lost a £200 fin out of his harness so an expensive day for both of us even though my carbon boom was very old !!!

The locals I spoke to said that a westerly is better and there is a better place at Hunstanton !!!

Mag and Clare faired a little better after giving up on following us out on the beach when the first rain appeared and returned to our warm van for coffee and cake to discuss how nuts speedsailing is !!!!!!!!!!! and I am beginning to think the same !!!!!!

We decide to stay another night despite the cold wet winter weather – thank goodness for diesel heaters – to see if I can have a fun early morning with the friendly locals J

Fanatic Falcon Speed , 25 F1 Falcon, 2005 Tushingham x-15 6.4
