Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Glenno | | | | | | |
Annie | | | | | | |
roodog | | | | | | |
wog | | | | | | |
Borgy | | | | | | |
Nauli | | | | | | |
Scott | | | | | | |
Graceman | | | | | | |
Jay | | | | | | |
Nelson |
Windrider |
Coala Bear |
Stevio |
Daniel Aeberli |
Stribo |
Darryl |
Annika |
Jesper Orth |
Cheryl |
Damo |
Fatmatt |
Jacqui |
Shane O'Neill |
fudge |
Windrose |
CJ |
Duffy |
Average | 30.68 | 28.88 | 16.39 | 21.11 | 23.78 | 50.85 |
Glenno (2901km):
5178 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
6.5 O/D, 94 iSonic, 43 Choco.
Light and gusty, with the odd good gust .
Annie (6911km):
5178 days ago 7M TBird & 109Lt Naish Titan & finworks weedie
Nice short sharp sail in a gusty dying breeze
Thanks to caddy Nelson
To all the PSSers in the LOC tomorrow - Good Luck, I know you will all do well Oh & if you remember please wear your GPS's
roodog (9007km):
5178 days ago 2 categories   f2 69, choco 38 and cr 7.5
nice sail , killed a bee with my ear , thanks for pulling the sting out borgy .
i have an elephant ear at the moment , i wish i had the trunk
good winds to all team riders tomorroe and Gaz from the fnq mob
wog (5783km):
5178 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Sratched around for the first half an hour and nearly packed it in , went out one more time and it had come good , all right in the end
Borgy (7359km):
5178 days ago Futura 141, 7.5m NCX, 50cm Drake
Exocet 106, 7.5m NCX, 36cm Choco Spirit
Should have stuck with the Futura 141 - more fun. Frustrating day with loads of laughs later.
Nauli (8194km):
5177 days ago 1 categories  CR 8.1; RRD X-F 122; Choco 42
Very late after work (just after 5pm)...some gusts but a lot of nothing...seem to be using the big rig an awful lot of late. New fin is nice.
A number of the team out...had some good mid-river runs with Jay...
Scott (3683km):
5177 days ago Futura 141 & 111, Lightning 7.8, Venom 50 & Canefire 38 - A very gusty breeze, but good to be on the water.
Graceman (1458km):
5177 days ago JP SLW 90, NP H2 8.7, JP 52 pointer
Messing about with settings on late sail at Melville 6:00p->7:00p
Haven't got the right mast for the H2 not happy with the leach, need to get a 490 and test it with that.
Otherwise TOW 
Jay (2191km):
5155 days ago Isonic 122/ Canefire 40, Code Red 8.1 between Melville & Pt Walter.
10/10 day! Everything felt right and had a whole 2 hours plus to enjoy it. A day to remember.