Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Glenno | | | | | | |
Nauli | | | | | | |
Darryl | | | | | | |
Windrider | | | | | | |
roodog | | | | | | |
Jay | | | | | | |
Borgy | | | | | | |
wog | | | | | | |
Scott | | | | | | |
Graceman |
Nelson |
Coala Bear |
Stevio |
Annie |
Daniel Aeberli |
Stribo |
Annika |
Jesper Orth |
Cheryl |
Damo |
Fatmatt |
Jacqui |
Shane O'Neill |
fudge |
Windrose |
CJ |
Duffy |
Average | 31.74 | 29.75 | 17.24 | 21.67 | 24.78 | 59.60 |
Glenno (2901km):
5160 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
6.5 O/D, 94 iSonic, 34 Choco.
A quick afternoon sail, well a short afternoon sail, fun to get wet, but nothing I did made it feel right.
Nauli (8194km):
5160 days ago 1 categories  CR 8.1; RRD X-F 102; Drake 40
Bizarre breeze this evening...on & off, changing direction...just couldn't get in the groove...couldn't feel any real power or speed...perhaps it was me?
Darryl (9554km):
5160 days ago 1 categories  Woodies, FSW 111 Severne Blade 6.2, fun hour at woodies after work, the 1 hour included 40 gybes so happy with that. Also made 2 duck gybes. Half the time on the north side and half on the south. Not to many kiters today, they may have heard the fishing stories from the weekend.
Windrider (6161km):
5160 days ago 1 categories  CR7.7, XFire80/Delta27, XFire102/Rockit32. Melville at its best! Reasuring that others couldn't get in the groove either - I thought it was just me as I was trying out a few different combos. Tested the 80 (thanks Jez and Paul) with Delta 27 (thanks Jesper). Probably not the wind for it today but got a taste of what it might do off the wind (and got a taste of its small volume in between gusts - though did have a good amount of "glide" that sometimes was enough to get to the next gust). Then changed to the 102 to test out the Rockit32 (thanks Jesper). Felt pretty good off the wind and had enough lift once powered up to track upwind. Not enough to stop the wind feeling weird.
roodog (9007km):
5160 days ago 2 categories   F2 58, choco 32 ss, code red 6.5
Totallllllllllllllllly under cooked , wind up and down .
I think i just lost the hour cat for this month . Jesper was blasting away , my guess is a 24 knot hour on the swan , very gusty , but he's that good
Jay (2191km):
5160 days ago Isonic 105/ Canfire 36, Code Red 7.5 @ Melville.
Tried to better my nm today but found it hard to get enough wind to complete the distance. Some bad wind shifts, did anyone else experience it?
Borgy (7359km):
5160 days ago Exocet 106, 6.5m T3, Choco Spirit 36cm
Sailing = 
Talking to earthlings = 
wog (5783km):
5160 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Rigged the 7.5 first found it a bit to much then changed to the 6.6 and had a great sail with Matt up to wallyworld it was nicer sailing up there the with chop being rounder
Scott (3683km):
5160 days ago Futura 111, Lightning 6.4, Canefire 38 - I'm sure there were white caps when I rigged, buggered if I saw them on the water. Under done about 99.9% of the time, not the mention the up down, swinging breeze. But still worth ditching work for a sail!!