Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Woodbutcher | | | | | | |
RedSurfBus | | | | | | |
The Matrix | | | | | | |
Griff | | | | | | |
Camel | | | | | | |
Jim Crossley | | | | | | |
Ian Richards | | | | | | |
Swagger |
Normski |
El Reg |
Jesus |
Duncan |
Chandler |
Woody |
Goostaff |
Tris |
Jim |
The Kid |
Scotty Stallman |
Cheese |
Average | 41.44 | 38.99 | 10.88 | 24.35 | 27.83 | 48.45 |
Woodbutcher (1676km):
5041 days ago
RedSurfBus (7705km):
5041 days ago 1 categories  At first I could barely hold the sail. After a few runs I felt a lot more settled but then saw my 3rd batten had snapped. Came in and packed up.
The Matrix (10979km):
5041 days ago
Griff (1642km):
5041 days ago Just time to get a few decent runs before the rain killed it.
Camel (2357km):
5041 days ago 2 categories  
Jim Crossley (3088km):
5041 days ago It was super windy when I myself upwind ready to go...and the wind dropped.
Ian Richards (11408km):
5041 days ago 2nd superb day at the Kirb, less crowded and windier than yesterday, unfortunately the wind refused to go past WSW so speeds were down. Nailed 1 decent run when the wind veered WNW in a squall but that was it. Â All in all a great 2 day trip, more wind later in the week??