Team East (Engl-E, Great Britain) - 2011-08-16
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Tris Haskins
Stephen Squirrell
Mike G
Peter Cutts
Lance Newbery
Ben Tilston
Jamie Bore
Rik Jones
Will Trossell
Steve Carter
Tris Haskins (805km):
4782 days ago
1 categories

A pleasant session on the bank with the gang... no mega speed - just cruising :-)

Stephen Squirrell (6594km):
4782 days ago
2 categories

Even with the school holidays in full swing we only had two kids to look after today which meant I could take the longboard out :) With 14 mph sw forecast and a middle of the day high it looked like a good oppertunity to cross another island off my list !!! So I was rigged and ready to go with drink,gps,phone and snacks at The Dip at 9:30 !!! SW is not the best direction for a trip to Horsey Island as it's a beat all the way and some thing more onshore would have been better.It was a good breeze to start and I was wondering if I should have gone with 8.5 but after stopping to move my harness lines back things went much better !!! I crossed the shipping channel with no problems and continued past Dovercourt where I saw my first seal :# As I approached the backwaters the sea flatened but the wind became lighter and more gusty.I sailed past the creek to Titchmarsh Marina to the next creek and beat into the large lagoon at the back of Horsey island past lots of seals on the creek bank and will have to take the canoe out here to show Mag the seals !!! I only just had enough water to sail as the tide was still an hour from high.I stopped and had snacks and phoned Mag on a jetty by the Island causeway at midday,I then continued past Titchmarsh Marina and out to the main creek past lots of racing dinghies :# I liked it so mush I sailed around the island again seeing even more seals this time as well as hundreds of birds including a flock of avocets

It was now time to reach back to Felixstowe but sadly the wind had gone much lighter :# As I neared the shipping channel by Felixstowe port the wind increased just a large container ship was leaving !!! I had to do a couple of reaches to the the ship past before crossing the channel which was very bumpy !!! My track was jammed with stones so I went ashore on Landguard beach to free that and noticed that my harness spreader bar had sheared off one side :# With the track now working and right at the back had a really good broad reach back and arrived back safely at The Dip after about five hours sailing !!! So a top top day,shame we didn't see more of the sun and the wind could have been se but great anyway and a big thankyou to Mag for holding the fort :)

Fanatic Cat and Tushingham Lightning 9.4

Mike G (4335km):
4782 days ago
3 categories

A quick afternoon session at Brog. Very gusty but sunny and definitely better than being in the office!


4782 days ago

Stephen, wow what an adventure! Cool

A Google Earth pic would be great to see where you were sailing.

Cheers from West Oz Wink

Stephen Squirrell

Great Britain
4781 days ago

Hi Greg

I just love a longboard adventure !!! if there is an island out there I need to sail around it !!! Check out the faceboard links for windsurfing pics and track :)