Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Lyn | | | | | | |
Ed | | | | | | |
Hoppybob | | | | | | |
Squid Lips | | | | | | |
Firiebob |
Troppo |
Herby |
Rowdy |
Sailpilot |
dr cam |
Rossco |
Sausage |
Kel |
Regs |
Freddy Burke |
Locky |
Gaz |
Peter Clifford |
Al |
Hans Bekkers |
Luca Sansalone |
Pacman |
Toody |
Sharyn |
James |
Rico |
Billy |
Jason |
Billy GI |
Trojan |
Dave |
Average | 26.87 | 23.93 | 12.98 | 17.92 | 21.14 | 47.59 |
Lyn (9418km):
4770 days ago Tinaroo Dam on another gusty day. Used the 5.9m Loft 02 and the 116l Screamer. Either hanging on or standing up, but thats often the case at Tinaroo.
Herby had a lay day because he strained his hammy yesty. Not to worry, we will be down around Hervey Bay in a week or so, enjoying the good conditions down there.
Ed (4724km):
4770 days ago 1 categories  Port Douglas, QLD, AU Escaped from the salt mine at 230 o'clock,made a quick detour past beach,12 to 15 kts and flat water.Was keen to take AHD for a spin as it has had a major rebuild after being totaly trashed at end of last year,also had new' S10 49cm' fin to try in it. Was rigged on7.3m north sail which has also been repaired two home made battens, harlf a roll of sail tape almost as good as new..Had a good session blasting all arvo on fully powered up rig, all felt good and wind stayed constant with some good gust..not a bad session for this time of year.Saw some big Jelly fish and carved them up with my new beaut fin...Cheers Ed.
Hoppybob (966km):
4770 days ago Lake Tinaroo, QLD, AU,
Gusty day, practiced going over the front once, couldn't find the foot straps !!
A bit more practice and I'll be right ! (finding the straps that is) Today I shoulda kept Herbert company.
6.5 aerotech, x-cite ride 145L 43 select fin. NO BLOOD
Squid Lips (2210km):
4769 days ago 1 categories  Pelican Point, 7.5 Koncept, iSonic 107
The hour tells the story, should have been on the 8.5. Horribly patchy wind BoM was steadily building from 17-22 at 2pm to 19-23 by 3:30 but by the time I got out at nearly 5 there were a few 15 knot patches with <10 knots in places and a few gusts up to maybe 18 knots. Should have stayed at work and got something done. Last sail for me for a couple of weeks. I'm off to Adelaide tonight for a friend's wedding tomorrow then to NZ on Thursday for another wedding and a bit of sight seeing. Hope everyone gets some good sessions while I'm away!