Team East (Engl-E, Great Britain) - 2012-05-13
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Steve Carter
Stephen Squirrell
Mike G
Peter Cutts
Lance Newbery
Ben Tilston
Jamie Bore
Tris Haskins
Rik Jones
Will Trossell
Steve Carter (3639km):
4512 days ago
1 categories

Got down for 3pm as wind was picking up, Mark S +D, Ian, Nick, Al, Phil. OK on 8.5m. Tried Mark's 8.7m twin cam which seemed much bigger; pity wind was down for that trial. Think I need a better sail for blasting, but no-cam is easier to sail. in chop and swells that picked up near river. Formula Nick turned; not usre how he got back to Manor as that seemed to be straight into wind. Good fun and felt like first summer sail.

Stephen Squirrell (6594km):
4510 days ago
5 categories




Sunday 13th May 2012 – windsurfing ***** sunny




Top night in our wonderful spot at Peyriac-de-Mer we will get into trouble for parking here one day as you are not supposed to camp here :( After breakfast we had to run into Leucate to check out the three large windsurfing shops to see if I could replace my lost fins and I managed to get two for 35 Euros: ) while Mag visited the supermarket. We then made our way to the wooden pier at the far end of La Franqui and had to park near the rocks as the beach was too wet to drive on :( It is getting a popular spot now and soon filled up with speedsailers – both windsurfers and kiters and several freestylers. It was not windy enough for my speedboard to start with and as I haven’t got a 6.4 speedsail anymore rigged the 5.8 and went out on the 100 lt. freeride board which was not perfect for speed but the best I could do. The first few runs I took carefully as I was not sure of the depth and there were no other speedsailors out, there were a couple of shallow places but you could sail close to the beach for over a mile. I managed to just get over 30kts – for the first time this year!!! But was having more fun sailing back upwind in the swell!!! By this time several other speedsailors were out including NED 35 so I was sharing the speedstrip with Jacque the world number one!!!!  :) and he was flying with 6.4.Mag braved being sandblasted and had a walk to the sea and we managed to get a few pics of the action:) After a few more runs I stopped for lunch and walked back up the beach with Mag and had a word with Jacque and he even know who I was!!! that’s Facebook for you :) and also knew we had sailed with Hans and Ben – really approachable block who was pleased to have a chat:) After lunch I made the mistake of rigging my 7m as Jacques was rigging 5.5!!! so after a couple of way overpowered runs including abit of a walk back I de-rigged the 7 and took the 5.8 with my speedboard and sailed nonstop until 6:30 by which time I was dead on my feet!!! but I was having a great time, no great times 34/35kts not bad considering I haven’t been on the speedboard since last November!!! As usual the interesting part of speedsailing is starting off – getting moving forward, hooked in and both feet in the straps without spinning out before sailing up the beach!!! and I managed most of the time and then all you had to do was avoid the speedsailing kitesurfers!!!! I tried for a 30kt. + n/mile but didn’t sail far enough :( you need a marker on the beach to help you. We then just put all my sandy kit in the back of our van, said goodbye to Jacque – even got a pic with him – he is a giant!!! Sadly my camera lens was covered in salt water – can’t win’um all :( and headed back to our lovely spot at Peyriac to wash my kit in the etang and have a shower with our bag hanging from a tree – luckily no joggers came past!!! I discovered that the mozzies got me and I have loads of bites on my back:(  So a top day and I hope there is no wind tomorrow – need a rest :) Then just as the sun was setting 20 flamingos circled our etang looking for a place for the night :)











Fanatic speed and F2 Wizard Tushingham 5.8 and 7.0m






Mike G (4335km):
4505 days ago
3 categories

Very on-off conditions at Brog. Took some footage with mast-mounted GoPro HD.
