Team East (Engl-E, Great Britain) - 2012-05-31
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
Peter Cutts
284.25 [PB](D)
Stephen Squirrell
Mike G
Lance Newbery
Ben Tilston
Jamie Bore
Tris Haskins
Rik Jones
Will Trossell
Steve Carter
Peter Cutts (4260km):
4491 days ago
3 categories

Great Day at Port Nouvelle today, Ian Richards and I had a plan to go for distance and it worked a treat! Wind not ideal, off the plane alot but good enough, rigged for easy sailing not for speed,  Sailed 10+ hours, harness lines broke, wind dropped, got dark so called it a day,  Tired but happy with the result at the end of the day.  Good fun day with Ian Richards and Paul Burgess and locals. Ian did over 200miles!!!!!!

Stephen Squirrell (6594km):
4490 days ago
5 categories

Thursday 31st May 2012 – windsurfing **** Port -la-Nouville(nord) sunny 28.76kts


Not a bad night in the van by the Etang de Bages et de Sigean considering now hot it was:( up early, breakfast then a quick shop at Sigean and the drive to Port-la- Nouville(Nord) to met up with Pete,Ian and Paul who were already out on the water with 7 to 7.8m and as I haven’t brought any big shortboard kit:(  - next time!!! I had no choice but rig the 8.5 and take the longboard out.Pete’s daughter Liesel is also here so Mag had some company on the beach as I headed off in the morning with aqua-pac and didn’t return for 3 hours 36 mins!!! The wind was a bit light and patchy for this kit so fast hour, speed, miles etc were out of the question so went for a cruise instead :) I headed to Gruissan first and the reached all the way to La Franqui where the wind was particularly light :( I stopped off at the kite school to borrow a screw driver as a footstrap had come loose. It was back cruising the harbour entrance again with now problems and then met up with Mag who had already made me a roll :) In the afternoon I tried for an hour but after sailing toward Gruissan turned and sailed to La Franqui again and sailed into a big with no wind :( I caught one gust here and got my fastest run of nearly 29kts and then back after being out sailing for over 5 hours but this is nothing to Ian and Pete who have a real obsession and were still going strong going for some serious miles!!! I had packed up and gone leaving them still on the water at past 8 o clock :) So not a bad day shame I didn’t have a suitable shortboard with me but good fun any way!!! The trouble here is keeping upwind and usual was having trouble staying in the flat water which cuts down your speeds and distance but it is fun a mile out to sea sailing the rolling swell :) + used way too small a fin too!!! :(

It was then a short drive to the carpark at Les Coussoules for a shower by the van trying to avoid the mozzies which are huge!!! Looking like some good wind Sun/Mon :) will have to wait and see!!


Fanatic Cat and Tushingham Lightning 8.5m


4491 days ago

Congrats on gr8 distance!!!


4491 days ago

wow big ks Cool

Ian Richards

Great Britain
4491 days ago

Well done Pete...was a top day, shame the wind died cos I know you would of kept going.

Mal Faulkner

4491 days ago

Damn fine endurance job Peter, raising the legends bar a bit higher.

Stephen Squirrell

Great Britain
4490 days ago

Well done Pete  :) you had a mega day !

Will have to bring the right board out in Oct and go for 300 - I think I am joking !!!