Fatmatt (1639km):
4482 days ago Melville Beach, Isonic111 , 7m Tushi 38cm Nitro.
Patchy session ,first sail in a while sailed till my forearms gave out (actually that happened just downhauling),good fun .
Shane O'Neill (5431km):
4482 days ago Isonic 87, Reflex 7.0, Tectonics GW 32/34
Melville Beach, WA, AU
Not sure if the 7.0 and Isonic 87 is a particularly great combination- never really felt very comfortable..
fudge (1503km):
4482 days ago 2 categories Never felt comfy, rigged the 6.4 and was way under done, rigged big and had a crack ,
Tabou rocket 115 , Vapor 6.4,7.9
Melville Beach, WA, AU