Peter (7156km):
4387 days ago Indian Neck, Wellfleet harbor. Air temp 2 C, but nice and toasty in my Ianovated suit (see for details if you sail in cold weather). Fun 2 hour session to get used to "real" winter sailing. Must be my longest session ever in weather this cold. Wind was a bit up & down, not always planing. Tabou 3S 96, Matriix 5.5
Nina (1896km):
4387 days ago Finally, a fun session again! Indian Neck, Wellfleet harbor, Skate 90, Manic 4.5, Naia 21. Tried the Ianovated wetsuit and was toasty and warm the whole time in 2 C air (but it was sunny). Open palm mitts were enough with the tube suit, needed the tubes only for the first few runs.