Mandurah Mob (WA, Australia) - 2010-04-14
Sailor 2 Second Peak (Kts)5 x 10 Second Average (Kts)1 Hour (Kts)Alpha Racing 500m (Kts)Nautical Mile (Kts)Distance Travelled (km)
man of
Big Dave
Lawrie Hendickson
Hardie (20239km):
5301 days ago
6 categories

Elmo (15665km):
5301 days ago
1 categories

JP Slalom VI 65cm, NP RS4 6.7m, JP Slalom II 34cm

Cheese GratersSurprised, yes Cheese gratersSurprisedSurprisedSurprised how the hell did this happen???? why didn't anyone slap me a few timesSurprisedSurprised

My day started like any other day, neighbors car alarm decided it wanted to test it's Awooga waltz capabilities at 3 this morning and kept on going of until about 0430. Decided that I'd go for a sail down at Benders Glory hole so I loaded the trailer onto the back of the bitch bus.

Just grabbing my wetsuit and stuff from the shed it starts to piss down with rain again I nut and bolt it from the shed sprint across the yard hit the ramp to the patio next thing i know my feet are above my head and the ground is rushing up to meet me, I hoped it was freindly, it wasn't , get up (now soaked) limp out the rain and check for damage, yep theres some. back inside for a bit of panel beating.Cry

Toddle of to Collie nice wind blowing all round, go visit my customer (have dried of now) all went wellCool sweetCoolCool walking back the heavens decide I'm looking like I need another wash of which they happily obligeYell, f'ken soaked againYell

Bender had given the work earlier that GH would not be playing the game so I toddle of the Cheese Graters to see how the boys are doing before I head up to Novara, get down there, Sams at one end, Hardz is swimming in the middle, and Robins trying to find excuses not to rigSurprised ahhhh Welcome to CheesiesWink

Standing there talking to Robin the Heavens look down upon one now almost dry Elmo and go "we'll have none of that" and dumped the shower from hell on us, thick weather proof parker, evereything was absotulely soaked, my feet were squelching in my boots, after the rain the wind comes back for Sammy and Decrep so they look like they are having a bit of fun.

Seeing as I couldn't get much wetter and that I'd have to change anyway before heading home I decided against my better judgement to go outSurprisedSurprisedSurprisedSurprisedSurprisedSurprisedSurprisedSurprisedSurprisedSurprisedSurprised

Note to anyone, If you go to Cheesies's take thongs, that limestone path is lethalCry

Rigged up hit the water stepped out about a metre and promptly sunk to mid thigh in the festering ooze, managed to mud start (wasn't much water for a water start) and sailed from shore in 4" of water with my 34cm pointer slicing easily through the sludge.

First run got straight onto power headed for the bank reeled in decrep on his blind side who was also heading for the bank, yelling at him as we were getting closer he just kept going it was only when the nose of my board got into his periferal vision at about 5 ft away that he noticed I was there, it was only afterwards that I found out he was sailing with earplugs inEmbarassed that he couldn't hear a thingLaughing

The wind by that time had swung a bit more Westerly so as soon as you pointed the board down the run you ran out of wind.

The Day was saved by trying Lao Shi's gybing techniques which we were talking about at Hardz's 60th birtday, Huge thanks Mark they worked a treat although the results were not reflected in the Alpha speeds, there was some definate progresss madeCoolCoolCool

So at the end of the day mine was a short session, the wind was the wrong direction, the mud was deep and the breeze was flukey, but I can honestly say that I actualy enjoyed the sessionCoolCoolCoolCoolCool bet you would never have expected thatSurprised

But the next time I'll still sail NovaraWink

Decrepit (22059km):
5301 days ago
1 categories

Well personally I think cheese graters is the wrong name.

Stinking mud hole is much more accurate!!!

Unlike Elmo I didn't work out, until the 3rd try, that you can sail in 2inches of water and waist deep mud, so tried to wade thru it.

That's almost impossible and totally gross!

My first run was on the thommen & 6.0 lightning in the biggest gust of the day, hanging on for dear life, harness lines too far forward so couldn't sheet in without spinning out. Tail walking and completely out of control, I arrived at the other end, to be kindly informed by hardie and sam that my gear was a bit too big!

Back thru the mud to rig the 5.2 on the speed board, by the time I have a cuppa and get back out wind has dropped considerably, Hopping for some more gusts I stay with the small rig.

Hardie thinks he may have some good alphas so I have a go, first attempt, I catch a rail or something and get catapulted at great speed into the ruck (don't want to call it water, it hardly qualifys), up my nose in my mouth ARGH!!!!!! That's the end of my alpha attempts, they can wait for nicer water to push the limits in.

After no sign of decent gusts I take the bigger gear out again, got a couple of nicer runs, improved my display speed from yesterday.



Sammy (16210km):
5301 days ago
2 categories

Down Patrol at cheesy with el Capo and Mike... Elmy and Binny came and joined us later

First time I sail the place, not a bad place to sail on the right condition! It is quite physical a session there.. Undecided

Before you even start sailing, you have 100's of mts (350 one way) of carrying gear, then the walk in the mud (balls high for me, I though was enough), by the time you jump on the board all muddy and smelly you are puffing already.Then finily you are on you way.. yeaaah.... start speeding, enjoying.. yeaaah then its already time to stop!!  If you are unlucky to fall, then its back in the smelly mud and in bonus and got extra burning eyes by extra salty water!!! Surprised. mmmmmh greaaaat!!! the run is about 500 + mts What the spot!!!, no seriously... I love it Wink. It took me a while to get to know it then after it was cool! Never really powered up but the runs was very pleasant Cool

Started with the 50 and the same fin than yesterday (wanted to see how fast..) maybe I could have gone faster with another fin (I will never know) it felt very stable but not fast! so I am very happy with the speed.. a bit more modification should work better. I though there was enough wind for the 44, so I passed the 2nd part of the session on it struggling, wishing for some strong gusts, but the wind slowly wicken then swang!

Speed on the 50, Alpha on the 44.. where I managed a 24.546 @ 60m!!

Good job JoJo, you was agressif today Wink good to see you on the top BOSS Cool

CA50, 240/30 Less_Wo_Duo modified - 5,8 RSS - CA44, 245/43_SS Ultra


5301 days ago

lucky buggers. It a lovely spot to sail isn't itWink


5301 days ago

Nope, it's a poo holeWink

lao shi

5301 days ago

Glad the gybing tips helped, Elmo.

Did think about joining you guys but wasn't convinced the wind would hang in there.

Nice speed, Hardie. What time was that?

Don't know if any of you were planning to attend but the WWA party on Saturday has had to be moved to Port Beach