evets (10573km):
6211 days ago It got better and better and better (Navara beach, Mandurah estuary)
Arrived and rigged just as Elmo, Sam and Hardie were doing the same. Went for Screamer Concept, Tush Raptor 5.7 and Elmo JP G10 weedie ( thanks Elmo).
Wind a bit light for the rig initially, I tried for a N mile and found wind too light. Decided to practice gybes and go for a 1 hour figure. Gybes still poor although planed from some and wind. In the flat water area I hit something hard and stropped instantly. Big catapult and sore ribs. inspected fin: absolutely no damage. I am amazed. I walked around for a few secs looing for the rock but water about 1metre deep. It took me from 22 knots to 0 instantly but maybe it was a fish or ray as the area seemed too deep for a rock ( I did wonder wherther the back had been torn off the board the impact was that hard). This was towards the end of the first hour and I sailed back to start.
Back on the water after 10 min break then sailed and sailed. Wind got better and better and water flater. Went to stop a couple of times and then gae it another run: ha dforgotten to reset trip meter so was unsure of distance travelled. Hoped for PB and made it.
A really enjoyable sail with the MH Mob, great to be on the water is such lovely conditions with such nice people.
Got home and downloaded data, analysing on GPSARpro. and found three great 2 sec speeds: 32, 37 and 39 kts . Saw Nebs ( thanks very much Mate. Compared to Realspeed and removed the peaks. They were obviously too good to be true.)
A tip to the unaware: tick the box for doppler on GPSARpro speed results screen. That removed the rogue readings . At least with the doppler selected it should not happpen again. I think I will take a look at loading realspeed as well though.