dr cam (16004km):
4923 days ago Green Island, QLD, AU Wind SE 22-28 knots Eastern Run -outgoing tide Exo 50 warp RSR 6.2 E 3 Vector Delta 25
Arrived on GI at 930 quickly rigged & then realised I had no harness or Aquapac -AHHRRR
Scrounged around & found Toody's waist harness & a couple of plastic clip seal bags ,shoved the gps down inside my shirt & ran out to the eastern run (only had enough water until 11am )
Runs were 35.6 then 37.3 then 39.2 then 39.28 then 40.72 .Entry to the run was super choppy so initially wary but gained in confidence as the fin was holding firm .Great fun but frustratingly short session ...Ran out of water at 11.05 am
Tried the Northern Run at low tide but it was hopeless-couldnt get any better than 36s -Soooo rough .
Toody managed a quick 2 run back up session as things got really ugly on the Northern Run -thanks toody !!