Decrepit (22059km):
4331 days ago Magic last day!!!!!!
Arrived before lunch, rigged the avi 5.3 on the 48 with a 24.5 weedy and tried for alphas, happy with the results as my gybes didn't feel that good, but 2 24s says they weren't too bad.
After lunch wind really picked up, so I put a good amount of downhaul on the 4.4, (unlike yesterday, when I'd tuned for the initial light conditions, and hadn't tightened up when the wind picked up) Also used the 17cm weedy, instead of the damaged 19.
Still a bit uncomfortable in the middle choppy stuff, but the sail felt great, found a longer than normal gust and got one 38 10sec, all the rest were 36s
Not sure how the experts are going, we left early, but look for great things, I think the wind is stronger today and the water a bit flatter.
Sammy (16210km):
4331 days ago LG - Life's good, I am speachless.. just smoked it
Thank Mike for the backup . Alpha on 47, rest on 41
Misty47 - RSR5.0 - Vector 23weedspeed - Misty41
THANKS Tim for lthe loan of the fin and sail, YES I keep the fin